Introduction to Tanita



introduction to tanita

  • Learn about your body composition, your muscles and fat distribution around your body.

  • Do you wonder what’s your metabolic age?

  • Is your visceral fat rating optimum? Should it be addressed by a lifestyle change to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and other related diseases?

  • Not invasive, only takes a few minutes Detailed print report


  • Body Fat %
    Percentage of body fat as a proportion of your body weight.

  • Muscle Mass
    Weight of muscle in your body, including the skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and the water contained in these muscles.

  • Bone Mass
    Amount of bone (bone mineral level, calcium or other minerals) in the body.

  • BMI
    According to the Ministry of Health & Welfare, the Healthy BMI Range is 18.5 - 24 (kg/m2).

  • Metabolic Age
    More muscle mass, higher BMR, thus the Metabolic Age will also be younger.

  • Total Body Water %
    Total Body Water % = Total Body Water (kg) / Weight (kg)

  • Physique Rating
    Desirable: 5 & 6

  • BMR
    Minimum level of energy your body needs when at rest to function effectively. Having a higher metabolism will reduce the amount of body fat.

  • Visceral Fat Rating
    Indicates the fat in your visceral area. Rating over 10 may increase the risk of developing chronic diseases, metabolic syndromes (diabetes, hypertension and heart diseases).