Learn about your body composition, your muscles and fat distribution around your body.
Do you wonder what’s your metabolic age?
Is your visceral fat rating optimum? Should it be addressed by a lifestyle change to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and other related diseases?
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Body Fat %
Percentage of body fat as a proportion of your body weight.
Muscle Mass
Weight of muscle in your body, including the skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and the water contained in these muscles.
Bone Mass
Amount of bone (bone mineral level, calcium or other minerals) in the body.
According to the Ministry of Health & Welfare, the Healthy BMI Range is 18.5 - 24 (kg/m2).
Metabolic Age
More muscle mass, higher BMR, thus the Metabolic Age will also be younger.
Total Body Water %
Total Body Water % = Total Body Water (kg) / Weight (kg)
Physique Rating
Desirable: 5 & 6
Minimum level of energy your body needs when at rest to function effectively. Having a higher metabolism will reduce the amount of body fat.
Visceral Fat Rating
Indicates the fat in your visceral area. Rating over 10 may increase the risk of developing chronic diseases, metabolic syndromes (diabetes, hypertension and heart diseases).